Straggle String has recently become very popular amongst professional fly tiers, as the micro-chenille is thinner than any previous product on the market. The reason? It is made from only 2 fine strands and is therefore ideal for the smallest dry flies and nymphs, but also for fine Salmon flies. No wonder, as tying expert Hans van Klinken played a key role in the development of Straggle String, and today uses the material as a substitute for natural Peacock herl while tying the world-famous Klinkhammer Special. Not only can it be used to imitate a thorax or lively legs, but whole bodies can also easily be tied with the extremely durable micro-chenille – such as ‘Czech Nymphs’ or other delicate patterns. The advantage of the synthetic material in tying dry flies is that it does not absorb water, allowing the flies to swim better and longer on the surface. Of course, the final material is given a UV finish, which creates a nice shine and sparkle.
The wide range of natural tones and brightly colored iridescent colors offers you unlimited possibilities at the vice!
The thinnest micro-chenille on the market
Length: 5m
Great variety of natural tones and stimulating colors
UV active
Ideal for imitations of whole bodies, thorax or legs
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