Is the most natural agent for preparation of dry ...
Is the most natural agent for preparation of dry flies. The unique is in its ability to treat all materials of which the fly is tied - including CDC ...
The bobbin is one of the most important tying tools in fly tying and should not be missing in any equipment. A simple bobbin holder with a universal bobbin ...
Hends chenille 5MM is essential material for making some ...
Hends chenille 5MM is essential material for making some of the most effective nymph and worm patterns such as San Juan worm.It can also be used as a body ...
Hends Colour Wire in 0.18mm is a product dedicated ...
Hends Colour Wire in 0.18mm is a product dedicated for ribbing nymphs, emergers and wet flies. The diameter of 0.18mm is considered perfect for hooks between #8 and #14, ...
Hends Fly tying vice is a simple and durable vice.Nothing sophisticated about this vice but if you are just starting with fly tying it will serve you well.
Czech Nymph Dubbing is a great and very versatile ...
Czech Nymph Dubbing is a great and very versatile natural dubbing material usable for all types of nymphs and wet flies, although its main use is to tying the ...
Deer hair belongs on almost every fly tying table ...
Deer hair belongs on almost every fly tying table – no doubt! Numerous dry flies are tied with this indispensable, well-floating material. Many flies such as the famous „CDC ...
These chenilles are made of similar materials to classic ...
These chenilles are made of similar materials to classic chenille but have a sparkling lustre. Also the type of their use is identical. The only difference is the colour ...
These chenilles are made of similar materials to classic ...
These chenilles are made of similar materials to classic chenille but have a sparkling lustre. Also the type of their use is identical. The only difference is the colour ...